Saturday, September 29, 2012

Persona Pain-Gain Map: Mini Muffin Cookies

Mr. Johnson is a ambitious hotel/motel owner looking for innovative and inexpensive ways to make his guest's stay more enjoyable and memorable.  Mr. Johnson understands the importance his customers having a positive overall experience at his establishment.  His hotel/motel is not just a bed and a shower.  His hotel/motel is a place where business men and women call home when away from home.  His hotel/motel is a place where families call home when away from home on vacation.  Mr. Johnson understands that, much like at home, it's the little things that can matter most.  Fresh flowers in lobby, newspapers delivered to the door in the morning, freshly brewed coffee every morning in the lobby, and a friendly smile on the face of the desk clerk upon every guests arrival are all standard procedure for Mr. Johnson.  But what else can he do for his customers?

What does a bad day look like for him? 
-unhappy guests due to the amenities provided (or not provided)

What is he afraid of? 
-these unhappy guests decide to never stay at his hotel again.

What keeps him awake at night? 
-these unhappy guests spread the word of their unhappiness and more and more people stop staying at his hotel.

What is he responsible for?

-he is responsible for the overall customer experience

What obstacles stand in her way?
-He does not have a huge budget to spend on a full service kitchen

What does this person want and aspire to?
 -he aspires to manage larger more prestigious hotels

What can we offer this person? (Elevator Pitch) 
Our new product Mini Muffin Cookie is exactly what we would like to offer you. For the innovation hotel manager who is looking to easily prepare a quick and easy welcome gift for his guests.  Mini Muffin Cookies are prepackaged, frozen cookie dough that is ready to bake the moment they are taken out of the freezer. Unlike traditional prepackaged frozen desserts, Mini Muffin Cookie dough comes in a disposable, oven-able, plastic mini-muffin tray that fits nicely in a toaster over. The unique shape of the cookies creates a delicious combination of harder exterior with a soft gooey center. In just 20 minutes, 12 Mini Muffin Cookies go from frozen to cooked, and the plastic tray can be recycled or thrown away. You will have aromatic lobby and a delicious dessert for all your guests to enjoy.


  1. You have targeted an interesting market segment... hotel/motel owners or management. Depending on the demand of hotel customer's (those taking the mini muffin cookies with their coffee), it could bring a good amount of repeat business. Of course the hotel must sense an increased feeling of customer satisfaction in their hotel experience to continue the practice. Is it measurable and can it be attributed to this new offering? How many hotels are there of this size (not too large to have their own restaurants or one attached) in this region? If they don't have a full service kitchen, will they already possess freezers large enough to store your product?

    How are these cookies after sitting out for an hour and no longer hot/warm from the oven? How many shelves are in typical industrial strength toaster ovens, allowing how many dozens of cookies to be heated at a time? The morning rush checking out may wipe out a tray or two in no time. A family with children could do some real damage eating up all those cookies. Granted, they will be a very happy family. Will those a the front desk have time to constantly monitor availability and make sure there is enough for everyone? How much will be tossed, uneaten? If the cost is low, then maybe it isn't much of an issue... just a small price to pay for happy customers.

  2. I am also interested in the predicted market size. Who are your competitors? Local bakeries or small boutique shops? A bag of Chips Ahoy and a chocolate scented candle? Are you going to offer break muffins and afternoon muffins?
    This reminds me of the amazing Doubletree by Hilton Chocolate chip cookies. A great perk, but not sure it makes or breaks my decision on where to stay.
