Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Engaging Story about Cookins

Imagine sitting on your couch on a Friday evening after a long week.  You just put your feet up on the ottoman and suddenly the aroma of delicious chocolate chip cookies is coming from the kitchen.  Are you dreaming?  Could these smells be real?  You rush to the kitchen to find your loving spouse tossing a small box in trash and what looks to be 12 mini muffins baking in the over.  "Why do these muffins smell like cookies", you ask.  Your spouse replies,  "they're not mini muffins, they're COOKINS".  "Cookins are awesome!", you exclaim.  You rush to the refrigerator to check if there is any your dismay, there is no milk.  "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"  You grab your coat and keys and head straight for the grocery store.  You quickly park and rush inside.  In the milk isle you run into your neighbor that you have always meant to say hello to but never got around to it.  You finally say "Hello"!  And invite him over for milk and Cookins.  Your neighbor exclaims, "Cookins are awesome!"  He agrees to join you and picks up some milk of his own.  During check out the grocery clerk asks you if you'd like to donate a dollar to the local homeless shelter.  You say yes and feel good about yourself.  You head home with your newly befriended neighbor to the smells of freshly baked Cookins.  Your spouse has just plated the Cookins and throws the Cookins cooking tray in the recycle bin.  She feels good about herself.  You poor two glasses of milk for you and your neighbor, your spouse gets mad, and you poor a third.  The three of you each grab a Cookin and bite into the hard exterior to unveil the gooey interior that you desire.  You all take a sip of milk.  You all feel good about yourselves.  There is a knock at the door.  You open the door to find you mother-in-law has paid you a visit.  She smells the Cookins and asks, "Do I smell those all-natural Cookin things?."  You tell her that they are and give her one to eat.  "Cookins are awesome!", she exclaims.  You each eat two more Cookins and feel really good about yourselves.  You all sit on the couch.  Your mother-in-law inquires about your new neighbor friend.  You tell her he's your neighbor.  They talk and find they both love to play scrabble.  All four of you end up playing scrabble.  You spell Cookin, everyone laughs, and you feel good about yourself.

Feel good about yourself.  Eat a Cookin.


  1. Nice angle. I like the focus on the experience surrounding the CookIn. I think you should add in a bit more about the all natural or healthier than packages cookies. This will strengthen the "feel good" idea you are pushing. I would suggest against presenting this story with the trip to the store as this implies more effort. Maybe say that you take the recycling out and run into a neighbor, that way the final scenario without even putting on your shoes.
    I'm in, I'd give them a try.

  2. You mention biting through the hard exterior to find a gooey interior. It first made me think of molten lava cake, which is best eaten hot out of the oven. That's not so bad... Your "cookin" will certainly be different from any cookie or muffin in this regard.

    I'm not sure I ever think of eating and feeling good about myself. My wife may even have the opposite feeling... always conscious about her weight and therefore what she is eating and probably could do without... guilt.
